old people fucking suck

Mar 01, 2005 07:45

I got into a car accident with Pauls car yesturday. I was trying to wash his car for him cause last week I spilled a fruit smoothie all over the passenger floor. So yesturday I figured that I would be nice and wash his car for him. Well, I went to the "Kwick N'Kleen" on route 6 across the street from Ashmont. Well, they where closed so I just turned around to leave. I was making a left turn out and the street was clear on both sides except for this one car that had it's right blinker on. So, I figured that they where gonna turn into the Kwick N Klean, so I started to inch the car out. The next thing I know, the air bags have gone off and my face was bleeding. I started to walk around screaming for someone to call the police. Then the little old lady that hit me started yelling at me and I started crying. Finally the ambulance came and the EMTs told me that they thought that I should go to the hospitol to get checked out so I went. I spent over 2 1/2 hours on this wooden board with a brace around my neck. Finally, at 4 they let Paul come in and see me for like a second before they took me off for x-rays. They made him wait from 3 til 4 to see me and then from 4 til 4:45 I was in x rays. When I got out I explained to Paul what I remembered. Then like 20 mins later, they took me over for a cat scan. They put some cool dye in my IV which made me feel like I was peeing myself and then tried to take some more pictures of my belly. However, just after the dye was put in and they started taking pictures, I got sick and they wouldnt let me sit up to puke so they tried to hold the little puke tray up to my mouth but I puked so much that it spilled all over myself. It was gross! So then after they finished the cat scan, I was taken back to my little room and to Paul where he sat there giving me shit about the accident. He tried to make it like little jokes but I'm no fool, I knew what he was doing. So today, we've gotta find out where/how much it's gonna cost me to fix Pauls car again. Ahh, so in the end, I have an egg on my head, a black eye, burns on my arm and chin from the airbag, and a black lip. I am in soo much pain it sucks. And the Motrin 600's that I got from Josh Souza to help with my tattoo pains just aint helping. Well, I'm off to bed.I need to get some sleep before Paul gets here with my car to take me to find out about his. Oh! and to top it all off his mother blames me for the accident! And she has the nerve to get pissed off at my mom for not being at the hospitol when she sure as hell diddn't fucking go. I told the EMTs not to call my mom cause I diddn't want her to worry.

On other Notes I think Erica's pissed at me over Josh. I have no fucking clue. Well, I gotta go TTYL live journal
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