Nov 03, 2005 16:31
So here I am. At school. In my mother's class room.
After a very stressing two weeks, I am 1/2 depressed and 1/2 as happy as I've ever been. This is ALL Mario's fault...(not really. I blame it on spring)
And poor Alex, the lovely golden boy has been gilted. For that, I will go to hell, because he really is lovley. On the other hand, Mario is now with benefits.
#1 Confused Street
Confusedville, Land-of-the-Very-Confused.
Laura is a funny fish: >-)))> (Yes, that's a fish. It is Laura.) She's very maybe she's a piranah, or an electric eel, or some other form of violent aquatic life. Anyways, I'm going to go do my extended essay.