(no subject)

May 27, 2005 19:51

Well...Memorial day weekend is here and i've just realized that everyone around me is graduating. And I mean actually going off to collage and become adults.
Anyway, finals are coming up, my math/algebra teacher is coming down a little harsh on us/me cuz a lot of people coughDANIELLEcough are out, have been missing class, playing hooky, etc...
And another thing that's totally off topic...
Not too long ago we were all practicing for the S.C. when someone said "HOLY CRAP! THERE'S SOME BLACK GUY STARING INTO OUT CHAPEL WINDOW!" ::all turn and stare:: And the girl(KATIE) was right. There was some guy staring into our winow. Only thing was there was this rumor about it being a sniper or terrorist or freaky stalker. Heh. Big whoop. It turned out to be my friend's music teacher. Hilarious.
OHHH!!! I'm going to my cousin's cheesecakefairy  graduation tomorrow! I'm sooo excited!
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