Nov 29, 2006 23:36
Ok so I collected these ideas over the course of a few days in order to post them all in the same blog, what with it being rather themed and all!
Ok firstly, can I justify buying a £3.90 copy of Q magazine purely because it has one full page photo of Kurt and Courtney (you know the shoot where he has red hair and they're wearing leather jackets and its before they got married)?
Secondly there was a picture of Courtney in the Independent today and I fucking stupidly feel asleep and forgot to get up and go and buy it and now I feel disappointed about this even though it was for one picture of the bird of which I have millions so gah!
Thirdly, WHY DID NO ONE BLOODY TELL ME COURTNEY WAS ON JONATHON ROSS ON FRIDAY?!?!?!? You now realise I'm going to have to watch UK Gold continuously with my hand poised on the record button until they show it again!
Yes, I need help. Deal with it.