Aug 12, 2004 09:14
Well as I sit here in my moms office, contemplating what to do today, I am quickly reminded that I am supposed to be anwsering phones not "Fucking Around ON the Computer" so I anwser one, anwser two. ahh.. Today should be a good day.
Thank God That my dad leaves for some trip today, I don't really know where he's going, or maybe I don't really care. I just know he leaves today around 3 and dosen't get back till monday. So I'm free on the most hectic weekend of the year, Back to School. I still have to do my shopping, get my supplies or w/e arranged, and return my books. fun.
There have been massive parties lately, i think it's pretty lame considering that they're all before school, where were they during the summer. the summer of endless nights and bottomless liquor. our days would go on till the sun came up, there would be pointless fights, and pointless dates, i am actually happy that school is starting because now there will be more things to do
I am excited because last year around this time i was so nervous i thought i could die. but i am getting everything into order, and it is kinda fun. i still have to return all my textbooks from last semester, get my off campus lunch pass, my parking pass.
What sucks is that bad shit happens around now, My brother Ben got in another car accident, and Max is in New York and yeah.