Some side effects are....

May 07, 2009 18:54


I'm going back to full strength on my meds and ooooh here's the headache! I have a week of this and everything tasting like metal to look forward to.

They must have started the concert in the park series cause I'm in my bedroom with the window open and I'm being treated to a concert. It's a little to far away to tell what's playing but the crowd seems to be enjoying it. Hmmm maybe it's a rally or something cause I keep hearing "God is great"

Does anyone know a good (cheap) place that I can get some black-out curtains. I need curtains not just the liner to put on a curtain. I'm thinking this may help with my bedroom getting to be 90+ degrees in the summer evenings that are about to land on me.

I was out of town all last weekend so I'm uber out of the loop. I hope everyone is doing ok or having fun. There's so much going on with everyone else, surgeries, trips, job hunts, school that I feel like a lurp just sitting around.

Oh and a "just how bad is the economy and the banking industry" note. I processed 43 severance agreements today. And that is just one of our companies. (there are 6 others although this is the biggest) And tomorrow we have to process about 150 lay-off's from out Texas company. So we took a bail out, gave our high level managers their bonuses for the year but appear to be cleaning house all over the place. I hate corporate bs.
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