It may be because I haven't been in the best of moods as of late -- but I was not thrilled with the episode.
There were moments I enjoyed -- a bit of the banter between Mckay and his sis (""), the team bonding at the end, Teyla teasing by Shep and Ronon, replaying Rodney's Letters from Pegasus comments. But yeah -- I think that's about it.
Reasons for cbj's displeasure:
1. Jeannie referring to Rodney as "Mer" was wierd the first time. Hearing it 14 times more throughout the episode? Mind gratingly irritating.
2. Why would they assume that the alternate universe they tapped to would be uninhabited? Past experience alone should have suggested the opposite (ie SG1's "Ripple Effect" last season). How could they even take the chance -- jeapordizing the lives and worlds of an entire universe of people. Maybe if there was someway to ensure that the universe was not inhabited, but there was no attempt. I don't know why it bugs me so much, but it's reminiscent of the (im)moral decisions made at the start of the season with regards to certain wraith.
3. Rod seemed way too easy going about the notion of staying at first. True, he was uber easy going about everything, but there wasn't even the slight mention (that I recall anyway) of the threat of temporal
entropic cascade failure (a la "Point of View").
4. The ZPM is dead. Bah! After all that work to get it? Yeah, I'm not happy about it.
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