birth announcement

Feb 24, 2008 12:20

Well I finally have a little time before the babes wakes up to make my birth announcement in my journal.

Most of you already know, but

Haley Marie Wheeler
was born at 37 weeks exactly on Feb. 15th, 2008 (1 Day after her big brother's 2nd birthday!) @ 10:04pm
via c-section.

she weighed 7lbs 4.3oz and was 19 1/2" long

I went to my appointment friday the 15th for a blood pressure check. I've been being closely monitored due to my PIH and since I've had toxemia with my previous two babies, chances are I was developing it again. SO.... turns out... my BP was 151/101 in the office, and after laying on my left side for awhile and it STILL hadn't gone down, my Dr. felt it was in the best interest of the baby and myself if we were admitted and delivered the baby. Since I had a scheduled c-section for the 26th, we decided to stick to it. The only thing was I would have had to wait 6-8 hours after I ate before they could perform my surgery and since I had eaten just before going to my appointment, I was going to have to wait in the hospital in my assigned room until it was time. i called Shaun and my mom and everyone to let them know. They met me there as soon as I had gotten my room, and hooked up to the monitors.

While being monitored, my BP jumped to 156/112 !! It continued to stay high. The monitors were even picking up contractions. I had been contracting on my own and never knew it. As time passed, my contractions were getting stronger and comming more frequently. I wasn't being induced, so there was no pitocin involved. It was happening... so I have a feeling if I didn't go that day, she was going to come on her own that weekend.

I wasn't going to have her until ATLEAST 9pm. The wait felt like forever. My mom was there, Shaun, his brother and Partner Tony all kept me occupied. I started getting panicky the closer it came to the time.

Finally around 9PM I was wheeled to the OR. Everyone waited in the waiting area until I was set to go. I was being given a spinal, and for some reason my anxiety started to act up and I was shaking uncontrollably. Unfortunately, the anestisiologist had a hard time finding the right spot in my spine to administer the Spinal. I've had problems with my other two babies having an epidural...they never could get it in the right spot... they questioned if I had scoliosis, but I don't. There only other option was to put me to sleep. So I missed the whole experience. We did, however get a lot of good pictures of the birth. I had some complications during my surgery. My previous incision had to be cut bigger because it was a struggle to get the baby out. She was fighting for some reason. I had a lot of blood loss and more scar tissue than normal for only having one previous cesaerean birth. I had a problem with my placenta. A part of it had burrowed into the muscle, and part of it had already started to detatch from my uterine wall and get old (like what happens after 40weeks gestation) and it had fell apart. I believe the bleeding problems I had during this pregnancy had caused that because I had a blood clot during my pregnancy that formed called a subchorionic hematoma which can form between the uterine wall and placenta causing the placenta to not attatch. I had a lot of blood loss during my surgery because the Dr. had to remove the part of my placenta that grew into my uterus and it caused a lot of hemorraging.

Haley was born at 10:04pm, weighing 7lbs 4.3oz and 19 1/2 inches long. All three of her APGAR scores were 9. She is a very healthy and perfect baby.

recovery was rough. Because of all the problems I was having, and my high blood pressure and blood loss, I didn't get up to walk for almost 2 days. Normally, they have you up and walking after a day post surgery. I ended up having a blood transfusion which was scarey...receiving someone elses blood.

I am now 9 Days post partum, and the worst that hurts right now are the hemmrrhoids I got while sitting the birthing bed in the hospital for days....until they could finally get me into a more comfortable bed that they give woman after having csections.

Shaun has been a great dad. He is in love with his new daughter and it amazes me how awesome he is with her. He really impresses me how fast he caught on and how he wasn't scared to change her diaper or hold her like a lot of first time dad's are. I couldn't ask for a better dad to our little Haley.

He's also been great to me, as he's always been. He is just amazing. :)

I am gonna go but I will leave you guys with some pictures. Haley is waking up so that means it's time for her next feeding.

Prior to surgery

Haley fresh out the uterus! lol


1 week old

her nursery

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