Wow, 2 updates in a week. First time in a little while. So, I'm guessing you've heard about the rate increases from BGE? If not, basically BGE is going to increase thier rates by about 72% and there's nothing the legislature can do because in 1999, they voted against regulation of energy prices. I understand that they voted against regulation to
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my friend pointed out that they only used Dells in the movie, and he was like, "No Macs forever! hahaha!"
my response was something along the lines of how Apple would never play into such a horrible, controlling society. Probably not true, but I won the fight.
2. BGE.
there was a protest in Baltimore on the 30th of March, but I am stupid & wrote April down, so I obviously didn't go.
but check this:
"Regulators ... saw BGE household electricity prices about to spike 72 percent. They heard your protest, felt your outrage and ordered a plan that not only gives BGE the price jumps it wants but lets it collect interest on the unpaid balance if you can't handle your bill.
It's consumer protection, 21st-century style. Can't afford what The Man has to sell? We'll allow you to go deeper in debt."
i cared before I knew i was going to move to Towson in May (like 90% chance of happening), and I care just as much now.
It pisses me off how they craftily selected the hike to begin in July, the hottest fucking month in existence in Maryland, maybe second only to the one that follows.
to me, it means spending more time "out," but those places are going to increase prices too, to be able to afford bills. i was at red emma's the other night, and they were like, "with our free computers & free wireless to customers, how are we going to afford this?" "let's just not pay!" i think it is awesome how they'd rather fuck the bill and not the patrons.
anyway, this is practically en entry in itself, so have a good day/night.
Only problem is if you "fuck the bill" then it gets turned off, and a cafe without electricity is fucked.
"beautiful, is it not?"
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