(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 13:40

News: one of my fish gave birth yesterday. so now i have 15 new little babies to look after. daaaw. but this also means that ill have to eventually find new homes for them.

i think i might have a rant. i havent posted one for a while.

next thing we are going to have all the farmers having a sook because there is not enough water left in the murray-darling basin. now, i understand that farms are where we get out food form and that the contrubute to the economy, and that australians, although mostly urban seem to have it stuck in their heads that we are a ntation of farmers when most of us probably have never even been on farm, so they dontribute a lot fo out sence of identity. but really, do they have anyone else but themselves to blame?
really, they have got away with 200 years of farming areas which should not have been farmed and siphoning water from everywhere possible. ass that to the fact that they still whinge and bitch when anyone suggests that they cover their irrigation ditches and i dont know how they really cant be responsible for thier situation.
gah. im sick of hearing them complain about somehting they have bought upon themselves. if a business in the middle of the city goes bust because of poor management, or inappropriate location they dont get hand-outs. dammit.
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