
Apr 04, 2008 11:48

I started writing this little thing  yesterday, it was supposed to be a poem but I don't know how to end it. If I end it with the guy dying then I would say it's a poem but if I end it with him still alive then I would have to continue with it and make it a story.  I wouldn't really have to but I have to do something with it. I can't decide, to die or not to die? I tired to leave it alone and work on this story I wrote last semester. I don't like it but I thought maybe I could go back and change it. I couldn't. I didn't know where to begin. I guess I hate it too much to try and make it better. I started reading some other stuff I had written; stuff I submitted for the Writing Certificate Program, stuff I posted on myspace, a couple of older poems I wrote in high school. One of them I can't believe I wrote. I read it and it feels like someone else wrote it. Out of the three I submitted I wonder which one the lady in charge liked. Maybe all of them, they all sound kind of personal. I tried to put  a nice one in there, all about love and stuff. I can't believe I wrote that one either now that I read it. I remember I wrote it in Spanish class :) Now all the stuff I write I write them at work. Sometimes it's hard because the phone will ring or my boss starts talking and I kind of lose my concentration. Maybe not concentration but I lose whatever has inspired me. For awhile I was writing about the same thing over and over. I got kind of tired of it and tried to write about something else. I think it makes me sound like I'm crazy. I kind of like it though because thats how I really feel. Sometimes I'll think of little lines when I'm going to bed but the next morning I can't remember them. I really should write everything I think of down. Well not everything. Then I'd be writing all day and doing nothing else! I finished reading my last short story I turned in for my final last semester. I really like it and actually proud of it. I thought maybe I should send it somewhere to get published, but I don't know. What if people don't like it? What if it needs more work? I think I need to think about it some more. I feel better now, I was so stressed this morning because yes I  had car trouble again. It's okay it can be fixed. I think I'll try and finish that poem. Or story or whatever it turns out to be. I think I'm leaning towards poem.
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