Nov 22, 2007 14:23
Big Love is gone! After all that hard work he put into getting Cuddy's panties and he was fired. *pout* Although he did make a deal with the devil woman... But he's Big Love. *mourns loss* And he totally sold out Kutner. Poor Love Nugget. Now Big Love has to explain to his kid why Uncle Kutner isn't taking him to the zoo next week. Even after their man date and everything... *le sigh* Clearly the moral of the story is that Cuddy's thong is cursed.
In other news, we finally found out what was wrong with 13 and it was completely BORING. She may or may not be dying and we don't know because she got all deep and meaningful and prattled on about some huge insight into House that I completely ignored because that's Wilson's job, not hers. That and I don't like her. Also, drugging house's coffee is totally Wilson's job too. Srsly.
Steve Valentine was all kinds of win. Whatever I say here will not do him justice, so I won't bother.
House totes did a blood test on Wilson to make sure he wasn't STD riddled cause even House wants to be safe. This is now canon as far as I am concerned.
Most importantly though, IT WAS LUPUS! FINALLY! Too bad Cam wasn't there to do her 'Fluffy-Unicorns-And-Rainbows!-It's-Lupus' dance. And there was no Chase either. I'm waiting for them to break up. She's still clearly hot for House. Beside's Dr. Pritty Hairs is way too pritty for her. END. Oh and what up with Foreman? He's just there for decoration now. He just sits in the back of the room and does nothing. Foreman needs to do something. He clearly needs more brain damage, that was fun last time. But just something. Please. He wasn't even that interested in CTB minus her underwear. Maybe House was right last week and Foreman is actually gay. He should totes come out! Just as long as he does something other than sit there. SRSLY.
I can smell Chlorine.