Solid As A Rock!

Dec 10, 2005 14:00

So I'm listening to 'Free Money' by Patti Smith, revelling in it. A friend calls to tell me she got my delightful (my words) postcard I sent from Paihia, NZ. The one I sent two weeks ago. She is now aware that the weather was great and at the time I was eating far too much good food (though this hasn't changed) and sitting on a pebbly beach. BLESS YOU, MAIL SERVICE. Honestly, I do love the quaintess of mail, and the fact that they still, in these times of 7-day trading, don't run on weekends. It's charming, really, it is. But they wonder why folks use the internets.

I thought I had something more interesting to say than 'Arrested Development is THE FUTURE', but now I realise that's perfectly worthy. (And by Arrested Development, I do mean the show, and not the music group. The music group should not take offense, though.) Finally viewing the first episodes of the second series has been magical - and shocking, in that I am constantly both shocked AND awed at how well it's written. The recurring references! The continuity! The sly political commentary! The sheer number of jokes! The dedication to bad 80's power pop (is there any other kind?)! I want to cry, it's so good.

Antony and Coco Rosie are also good. And oh look! They're playing together here in January. Stephen Malkmus is also soon here, as is Ian Brown. Who, oddly enough, is another of the indie music gods to have appeared in the Harry Potter films, which I think makes it an Official Trend. Oddly, indeed.

Ooh, the trailer for Marie Antoinette.

At this point I am embarrassing in my avoidance of replying to emails. I think I might go write some letters, because gosh, it's just so QUAINT.
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