You Act Like A Slut, But You're Really A Freezer

Sep 07, 2006 22:04

Longest day ever, y'all.

There was just a ton of stuff going on, and I wasn't really ready for it. Last night, I did my first open mic at Doc's downtown. It's very different than Motini's. For one, there were less people. For two, the people that were there actually listened to me read. The Lovely Matt Trisler and His Lovely Girlfiend Elizabeth were there, as was my wondertwin (who I hadn't seen in weeks) and John Everywhere and his friend Ryan. Ryan (for some reason) had just joined the military. He and John requested that I write a haiku from stage for him. After that was over, the Wondertwin and I drove to Dalevill for some White Castle.

It was a pretty late night.

So, when I got to school today, and John Everywhere requested a reciting of the Metal Poem before 9am, and I realised that Merler had written a column in the DN pretty much about me, and I was interviewed by TCOM kids and journalism students, I was pretty busy. But you know, it wasn't bad - my Virginia Woolf class was pretty fun today. We're almost done with Mrs. Dalloway, which, today it was suggested that we change the title to "Septimus's Very Bad Day". I did some PR stuff for Ball Bearings, and went to my SNR meeting and then on to Meijer. Now I'm home, and I really should be reading Lincoln's "House Divided" speech, but I'm not. The last speech I had to read for Civil War was a Daniel Webster speech that was 40 pages long. I guess all they had for entertainment in the 1850's was congressmen. And going to vote drunk and armed.

Instead, I'm thinking about the DN column I was offered this week, and how my first edition is due in a week. It's a "culture" column, so, I've got a lot of leeway. I'm not even sure where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Speaking of work, my first BB story of the semester went up tonight. You should go look at it:

In other news -

I think the whole Facebook thing is getting crazy blown out of proportion. Yes, the News Feed is annoying and hardly news. And it does make me feel a little creepy. However, I agree with the people who say that if you're that offended by it, you should just kick your nasty little facebook habit. And don't even pretend like you don't have one, for I know that you do.

I sold my old iPod to Wondertwin today, so now I've got a little extra money for the weekend! Yay for records and outlet malls!

Today, more than usual, I really missed the Colin.


A house divided cannot stand,
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