People are so different from one another...But hey thats what makes the world what it is today! Think about it...Think about how different people are. Theres different races, but in todays society that doesn't matter and it never should. Theres different "styles" of people. Sometimes its sickening to see people try so hard to fit into a specific stereotype. Ehats wrong with who you are? Different people have different interests which is good because if everyone was only interested in medecine, we would have a world full of people trying to make new medecines(wouldnt be a bad thing i guess) but there wouldnt be anything else. Think of all the different career feilds. meds, architecture, computers(thank god for those ppl...dont know what I'd be doin right now) film, music, and JOURNLISM. Journalism is my career of choice. There are so many opportunities!! I prefferably want to be a rock journalist...I'm thinkin along the lines of Rolling Stones. It just seems like it'd be cool! Kind of like "Almost Famous"...GREAT MOVIE BY THE WAY!
Chill with rock stars, go to concerts, review albums...that'd be the life!! I could write about big bands like Rancid and MxPx and there is so much talent that is yet to be discovered! Look how Authority started out...and look at how successful they are now! IT's AMAZING!! and I would just love to be a part of something like that someday!!