If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention

Jun 23, 2008 23:30

I'm being consumed with worry over global warming, it's driving me crazy. As well I have the right to be though. There was some article I just got done reading about how we need to act NOW, as in make some major changes in the next ten years to avoid MAJOR changes from happening, like severe climate changes, mass extinctions, scary stuff! It's not bad enough when you look at things like the typhoons over in Asia, the hurricane that hit the US a few years ago, the flooding going on right now and the heat that keeps rising in the west. The oceans are already rising, the ice caps are melting.....the article also said that if we don't make a change NOW there will be no more sea ice in the Arctic by five years. Think of what that means? Not just to the animals that live there but to our climate, to our sea levels??? And let me tell you I am outraged with our government and coal/gas companies. The two biggest emitters of green house gasses....Coal burning plants and automobiles. Does it not make you grind your teeth to think how easily it can be remedied and yet these fat cats sit on all that money and our government keeps talking about how cost efficient it "isn't". RAGH!!!! If they would stop being so concerned with money, it would mean to use those billions of dollars to build nuclear plants or even coal burning plants (if they must) with the technology to trap the CO2 emissions. And cars.....the technology already exists! THey have a fuel cell that is charged by a reaction between oxygen and hydrogen, the byproduct? Water!!!! We have solar power, wind power, nuclear power and who knows what else but nothing is being seriously done! WHY??!?!?!?! Money and power does not exist if you have a whole race and civilization in shambles. What are they going to do with their money when the world literally starts to fall apart??? We can't live in a world like this, the world doesn't continue to live and thrive if all we do is take take take and take somemore and give no care to her in return.

I'm so angry, scared, frustrated, terrified.....and just all around worried. I want to have children but I do not want to bring them into THIS...this mess. Ten years scientists believe we have to turn this around. I think that is ample time to make a pretty big difference. And for now, do what you can people, I found that it really does make a difference. Number one, being more economic with everything helps, drive less, get energy saving "stuff" (appliances, light bulbs), unplug your appliances when not in use, bring your own bags to the store, don't buy bottled water. That's where I was surprised....sales had reduced drastically and therefore they had reduced production. Think that one small thing that you do won't make a difference so you don't try??? Think again!!

Any suggestions or stories on how to get this thing moving in the right direction, it's time we all become "green" activists. :)
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