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-just translated this for fun and out of boredom real quickly. if you see any mistakes, please feel free to correct me
(i also did this at 2 in the morning so i'm sure there's errrors somewhere XD;;)
-you can use the translation in whatever you want. crediting me is nice but not necessary XD
ldajfd omg you're so lucky you got to go see alice nine. in concert!!! haha they're like probably my top jrock band simply because they were my first lol. i know they're not the best musically but i just love them as a band, they're some of the kindest ppl and most sincere band i think i've ever seen ^^ when i was in japan, i saw them too but it wasn't a full concert :( i went to the 10th PSC anniversary thing lol. and then i also saw an cafe live but i'm not rly a big fan of theirs XD i just went cuz my Japanese friend rly wanted to see them live too lol XDD but ahh, it's always been my dream to just go to an Alice Nine live!! you're so lucky *o*
haha same here, my brother is to blame for getting me into games as well XD we played them a lot together as kids! and omg, you have excellent taste in games, i highly approve lol XD ilu for including Diablo in your list, that game is a classic. and yessss, another horror game fan!!! 8D not everyone likes horror games but omg yeah, i love them!! i love Silent Hill and Resident Evil too! and lol! that's one reason why i've always resisted WoW...i'm afraid i'll get too addicted to it D: and ah yes, The Sims XD haha i'm so bad, but i like torturing my Sims lol. like i will trap them by building walls around them, things like that XD well for me, if you couldn't tell from my profile already, i'm a huuuuge Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fan XD;; like you, i've played every Final Fantasy game since VII lol XD omg i hated the last one too! XII sucked imo, it didn't have the FF feel, you know? and i also wasn't the biggest fan of X-2 but eh, i played it anyways because of the story lol. as for other games, i am a HUGE Metal Gear Solid fan haha XD i also love Zelda (i have almost played every Zelda game lol), Splinter Cell, Devil May Cry, Halo, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari, Ratchet & Clank, Half-Life, Killzone, Gears of War, i could go on and on, there's just too many haha XD i've been playing them since i was 5 so yeah, i think i have good videogame player career too! XD
なるほど。 3年間日本語を勉強するのはとても印象的だ!私達、勉強し続けたら、いつか日本人のように日本語が話せるようになるって思う!頑張ろう~!!XD
今まで、東アジア研究は面白いけど、ビデオゲームデザインにも興味があるんだから、本当に何を専攻したいか分からない =A=;;
わあ~!ちょっとうらやましい!XD あっ、おおさかへ行った?!そこに一度行ってみたい!XD京都へも本当に行きたいんだ XD 京都へ行くのは残念だったなあ。 ;__; でもまた日本へ旅行できるチャンスがあるはずなんだ、きっと!
根、私も二つのライブへ見に行った!(PSCのコンサートとアンティック-珈琲店-、 笑)わたしも信じられない!本当に最高の経験ねえ。うん、賛成する!XD できるだけ速く戻りたい!!!
おはは、私たちがたくさん書くことが好きそうね XD
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