Title: Wait For Me [Chapter 3]
Rating: T
Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters used here. They belong to their respective owners, namely the creators of Eyeshield 21.
Summary: A sequel to my earlier fic, Gravity. Time is moving faster than before, and one question will be on the mind's of both Hiruma and Mamori. How long is too long
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This is like the Mars bars of my day! So high, like the feeling of wanting to cause trouble after eating too many sweets! I am giving this chapter with all the love in the world and I know you know how this made me happy.
P.S. One thing, if you are going to add sex in the end, I think it's best to just provide the rating for the specific chapter and have the rating generally T, but with a warning that one specific chapter has something sexy in it.
To be honest, I haven't exactly planned out if they'll appear again. They might, depending on the direction of the story and how it'll play out. For now, it's going to be focused solely on Hiruma and Mamori (that would mean Yamato coming in very soon, too), so I hope you'll be patient with me. I'll do my best to keep the story interesting!
Yeah, I was thinking of making that specific chapter M here on Livejournal, but seeing as I post this story on FF.net, I may change the rating there to M, and I needed to be sure the people there are all right with it. But this really depends... the smut idea is becoming very possible the more I think about it, but it's still pretty far away so I still have time to mull over it a bit more.
You see now, my attention span for Unsui/Karin has overpowered everything that I have forgotten to comment on the story! Forgive me, but snyway, yes, I would love to see Yamato getting in the way anytime now... that feeling that makes you feel a little sad for Hiruma/Mamori. No need for worries, I'm glued to the story as it is.
Just let it flow, I'm here to support regardless of you doing or not doing that smut that my perverted mind so desires like a boss. On the issue of rating in FF.net, I suppose it can remain in T, but add a warning in the story plot that a specific chapter would be M and of course, put a warning to that certain chapter (that this is the sexy one). I do that in my stories there (which I no longer update).
Don't worry about not commenting on the story, I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far. Yamato will come in soon enough.
Well, I've confirmed one reader isn't into smut, so I'm going to work my way around this. My biggest issue is that I definitely plan to develop the story even further during the smut chapter, heck even while they're doing it. But no worries, I'm pretty sure I can figure out a solution to this (my mind has been on overdrive for this story lately! I'm already thinking of writing an alternative chapter for that scene, one with smut, one without. Totally possible with what I have in mind). Thank you so much for the support!!
Oh, so much love. I'm still quite fixated.
Alternative chapter is a good idea, actually!
And thanks for the input! Will definitely put this into consideration then!
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