May 13, 2005 10:25

Well today is my last day but not officialy.. i still have 4 days left of exams.. which sucks bc if i only would have stayed in school and not got sick and not missed days just bc... well than i would not have to take all my exams.. but oh well!! This day is really sad bc its actully the last day that we are going to be in our class and we are actully going to be together.. Last night i had a chat with greg and mason and we were talking about next year... im kinda scared bc im going to be all by myself but mason informed me that Ole Miss was only like an hour away so i guess thats ok! Im still going to be the only one there but thats how its always been with me... ive always been the new kid and i like it that way! Im still sad about leaving mercy cross.. im not sad about leaving all the BULLSHIT though.. Tina, thad, and i were having that convo this morning about all the bullshit that happens at mercy cross... but its ok its all about to be over!! All of you who read this better come to my graduation from HIGH SCHOOl.. its on the 20th at 6!! I had a really good convo with a good friend last night... im glad she knows that i am always here for her and that she knows she can open up to me whenever she needs me just to listen or actully needs me for advice.. I L ya girL!! well i have to go take pics... BYE MERCY CROSS!!

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