Feb 18, 2003 17:38
Marianne's soooooo right, The Meteors are FAT and UGLY and THEY SMELL! Seriously, I have never been to a gig that smelt that bad at the end. It was like all the fat, sweaty builder men had done a shit on the floor and then wrestled in it, not nice! Otherwise, there's not much I can add, I think Marianne's account was pretty accurate. It really was a journey to hell and back again, but a very entertaining one.
Saw Pedro yesterday. Me and Amber went to the West End and bumped into him, and shockingly enough he was not drunk, and he was actually very polite and friendly and lovely and looked SO HANDSOME. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! This cannot be. To be honest seeing him makes me realise how most of the blokes I've been with since just do not compare. They are silly boys with no substance. He's a real man, with depth. Unfortunately the depth is well hidden beneath years of drunken lunacy, and that's why I know I cannot be with him. But I know there's no way i can be with anyone else because I'm still in love with him. WHY DOES LIFE HAS TO BE SO CONFUSING?