i look to you to see the truth

Feb 20, 1988 02:12

i think it's very important that we all take a step back and look at ourselves and what we've achieved ias we progress into our late teens.
thus, i decided tonight to review my literary progress.
after reviewing posts made in livejournal 4 years ago i've concluded the following things,

1. i am ENTIRELY too brilliant.
2. i am ENTIRELY too insane.

i'd like to leave you all with a taste of what was and some foreshadowing of what is to come.
thank you for your time,
that is all,
carry on.


oct 2001
here's a reccomendation for some thanksgiving awesomeness. take some pain killers...then get really drunk. then decide it's a good idea to disregard the use of utensils when eating pie. also announce to the family at the dinner table that you're starting a new debbie gibson cover band called 'thanksgibson' and you'd like them to be a part of it, as the casserole is so divine.

feb 2002
c'est la loi pour fournir tout dans les deux langues principales de ce pays. ainsi vous êtes chanceux la loi vous permet d'être moins ignorant et me force à fournir des baiseurs d'une alternative de l'anglais.

it's the law to provide everything in the two major languages of this country. so you're lucky the law allows you to be less ignorant and forces me to provide an english alternative.


Je me suis réveillé, mon corps affamé pour le sommeil.
affamé pour l'affection.
plié sur l'affliction,ne peut pas surmonter ce addiction. j'enroule mes lèvres autour de vous.
je t'aime cigarette.

i woke up, my body starved for sleep.
starving for affection.
bent on affliction,
can't kick this addiction.
i wrap my lips around you
and inhale deeply.
i love you cigarette.
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