Not much...

May 18, 2010 22:36

Yeah, today has been a pretty tame day today. I didn't really do much :/ Went to the store, made dinner, had my Aunt Marsha and cousin Michael over. That was nice. oh, and I watched Glee!!! That was totally... freaking.... omg... just, wow! That show just keeps getting better and better. And Lady Gaga songs next episode? When I saw that I nearly passed out. OMFG LADY GAGA!!! AND GLEE???? AWESOMES!!!

Anyways, new recipe made today. It's more an adaption of a Rachel Ray recipe, Almond Crusted Chicken. I added orange to it, and it was pretty good, I guess. I'm not really a big chicken eater so :/ But everyone told me it was delicious, and my family is pretty honest with me about my cooking. I'm gonna try to get it up on my blog later this week :D

Umm... not much else to say.

irl, foodinthemouth

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