Mind Numbing 5/12

Nov 17, 2010 20:25

Title: Mind Numbing
Summary: "It's scary how your own mind doesn't even agree with your actions anymore." Gordon didn't know right from wrong these days. All he knew was the 'voice' telling him Sam Winchester must die. Set Season 2. Crazy Gordon/Limp Sam/Protective Dean

Sam heard muted scuffles around the room, heard the quiet morning routine of his brother. He thanked his courtesy but he really didn't want to get up, he wanted to sleep for another week. He didn't even know where they were, all he remembers is trying to get Dean to lay off his back.

"Up and at um sunshine." Dean announced proudly as he dried his hair with a towel he could tell Sam was up anyway, just being lazy.

"Mmmm." Sam nuzzled closer to his pillow to drown out the noises, he needed more sleep.

"Not today kid." Dean joked as he yanked the blanket off of his brother's body exposing his bare skin to the chilly room. Which is another thing; the damn man turned down the air and made it freezing last night.

"Dean!" Sam whined as he tried to grab the blanket back but there was no use. Why was he so cold anyway? I don't remember taking my clothes off?

"Yea you had some help in that department Einstein. Now get dressed we need to go do some things today." Dean noted as he saw Sam staring down at his boxer clad body. It was quite funny.

Sam grew red at the fact that his older brother had to undress him dare he say it. He must have zonked out in the car and Dean had dragged his ass in the motel without him knowing.

"Are you going to ponder all day or what?"

"I'm going I'm going. Did you use all the hot water?" Sam grumbled as he went into the bathroom.

"Of course." Dean smiled as he heard the bathroom door shut. First things first on the list find a new motel. No way are they staying in this freak of a place any longer.

While trying to gather all the information and waiting for Sam's lazy ass in the shower Dean thought back to the encounter last night and seriously thought something was amiss. They were sent there because of mutilations random ass animal mutilations. Bobby could have found something bigger then that, and getting the tip for the motel was even weirder. Bobby never told them a certain motel to go too. Bobby doesn't even text! I doubt he knows how. Calm down Dean, it all works together. Be sensible for once.

Dean jumped as the shower door burst open a waft of steam coming out. "Took you long enough. Were you primping in the mirror?" Dean played while messing with his hair.

"Bite me. When did we even arrive here anyway?" Sam asked digging through clothes. He really was lost on that time. It made him feel weak that he actually passed out in the car and remembered nothing of arriving here.

"Uh… about 11:30. I had to lug all our stuff up the heavy stairs and your heavy ass as well no help from you." Dean smirked but regretted it as he saw the guilt spray across his face.

"It's ok Sammy, it wasn't your fault. You needed sleep anyway, it was a good thing." He added hoping to ease the guilt but cursed himself for putting it there in the first place.

"Where are we going?" Sam changed the subject as he wasn't in the mood these days for pity on me. He wanted to know more about the hunt.

"First we are going to change motels." Dean retorted as he grabbed their stuff he collected together noticing the confused look his brother gave him.

"Why we just got here?"

"It's the whole country vibe dude it's creeping me out." Dean lied as he hoisted his bags on his shoulder noticing Sam do the same. Luckily Sam took the lie without arguing.

He led them out the room and down the stairs praying that guy wasn't at the desk but of course Winchester curse as Sam likes to put it, he had to be there.

"Where you boys a headin." Roy smacked as he noticed all their stuff was collected with them. Oh no Dean you're not getting away that easy.

"A different motel, know of any?" Dean ground back; he wanted to get the hell out of here. Out of this motel, out this town, out of this damn county.

"Sorry son there's no other motel other than this un." Roy lied straight through his teeth. He was good at lying, persuading people of a false sense of comfort and reality.

"What?" No, no no. This can't be happening, story of my friggin life. The only motel in this damn town you got to be kidding me.

"Let's just stay Dean; I'm sure the country stuff won't scare you that bad." Sam intervened as he saw Dean struggle with an option. Who knew Dean was terrified so much of country furnishings.

"Sam no." Dean objected as he watched the mans ear's perk at the sound of Sam's voice.

"The young boys right, country won't hurt ya son. Just embrace it." He grinned as Dean gave him a heated glare all the while shielding Sam. This was going to be enjoyable.

"Dean just for once be reasonable." Sam pleaded as he really didn't want to sleep in the impala for about a week.

"Fine, we'll stay." Dean ground out as he marched back up the stairs pushing Sam in front of him. Something was wrong he could feel it but why was his judgment telling him to stop being so paranoid and his gut instinct telling him to grab Sam and run?

Chapter Six

fandom: supernatural, fic: mind numbing, genre: gen

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