Delicious Bookmarks

Mar 11, 2017 18:10

Hey guys just wanted to give you all a head ups of what I am going to be doing (undertaking really) in the next few weeks (maybe a month or so). I am currently moving my bookmarks from delicious to pinboard. For a number of reasons but mainly because delicious is basically a ghost site now. They don't care about it anymore, no updates are being given and the last correspondance from delicious was in April 2016. I know my delicious is sort of a hub for a lot of people. spn_littlebro has recently moved to pinboard as well and it's more reliable than delicious for a small fee of 11 dollars which I can easily manage.

However, in awesome fashion delicious has shut down their export and import features so all 141 pages of my bookmarks must be moved over manually. I've convinved myself this is better so that I can weed out dead or broken links, re-tag much better or maybe add tags and organize more efficiently not only for those who use my bookmarks but for me as well. I'm an organized person. I may also be adding more PDF's in the near future after basically going over all my bookmarks and such so stay tuned for this huge transition.

I'll have a huge reveal when it's done and maybe do some sort of PDF requesting thing or something.

It's sort of the first big project I'm taking that relates to fandom and I'm sort of nervous about it since I've been away from reading fanfiction in general but I'm also excited to have something to focus on and do in light of my recent bout of depression.

I'll still save items to delicious as well just to maintain it but I encourage any who have followed my delicious to follow my pinboard:

As that will be more up to date with newer tags and deleted bookmarks and such. 


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