Howdy Ho!

Aug 25, 2016 01:44

It's been a LONG time since I've made a new post huh? I can sit here and tell you that life has been busy yadda yadda yadda same old shit just another day.

I promised to update you all about me and my medical condition? issues? I don't know what to call the clusterfuck anymore! I figured what better time than at 1:30 in the morning, with a migraine and having to get up at 5:00 AM to drive 2 hours to a seminar for school! Rad!

Okay, well let's start that I went to see a neurosurgeon in Tampa for the cyst on my pineal gland. He was going to give me his opinion on what to do next. Basically I was told to wait and monitor it some more because the surgery is VERY involved and they don't want to do anything until I start presenting symptoms of hydrocephalus. Which I know UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH central. I don't want to wait until shit hits the fan I want to be proactive. I also wanted to see if the removal would lesson my migraines but I have to follow doctors orders which means more MRI's in my future. He wants me to visit a headache specialist so we'll see where that goes.

The good news is that I finally have recieved diability for my migraines in regards to school. I did that a few semesters back not even believing I could recieve disability services but migraines are a disability under the law SO I am taking what I can get. It is just for leniancy with absences I never know when I will have one and I don't want to be penalized for things that I can't control is the main thing.

I am still writing, I have already finished my spn_summergen story just waiting for it to be posted. Still reading a lot but I recently got back into wrestling (I used to watch it religiously for about 8 years straight and sort of got burnt out around 2010-2011 so I quit before joining the world of online so now everyone on my tumblr has to suffer as I post wrestling shit and I may make you all suffer too! It is definitely something else reading a threesome of hot, sweaty, muscular men gotta say WAAAAAAAAY different than J2 or SPN.)

And I don't know if Kim is cool with me announcing this but me and her MAY or MAY NOT be attending the convention in Jacksonville next year (don't forget I live in Florida broskis!)

And that's about it with me hopefully you all have been doing well and I miss everyone of you dearly. Don't be afraid to send me messages if you want to chat I am normally checking my stuff once daily. love ya!

fandom: supernatural, !real life

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