100 Fics That I Love: #014

May 02, 2012 17:39

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

In no particular order: A Wish Fulfilled by sammygirl1963

Title: A Wish Fulfilled
Author: sammygirl1963
Pairings: None/Gen
Rating: T
Word Count: 35,715
Warnings: None given.
Summary: When John inadvertently reveals his thoughts at a bar, it impacts his family in a most unexpected way.

Another de-aged fic from the same author. You would think two de-aged fics? She must get repetitive or boring. But it's exactly the opposite. This fic brings something different to the table than the other, with awesome new adventures, cute moments with baby!Sam and a whole new John we never really get to see.

In this one, Sam gets hits by a curse from an unexpected wish from John. He didn't mean to, but it gives them a surprise gift. Sam at the age of two. It's not to say baby!Sam doesn't get into trouble, because he sure does but this new surprise brings out a atherly side in John, as we see him try and correct mistakes he previously while trying to find a cure to fix Sam.

Just as entertaining as her first de-aged story. I really love Sam and John in this, and how they interact. It's definitely something special. That's not to say that Dean and Sam still don't have a strong bond, if anything it's stronger because of it. It was an awesome read throughout and I really enjoyed this new twist on the de-aged tale.

100 things challenge

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