First thing is first I must say that I absolutely love shapeshifters! They are my favorite monster in Supernatural. Just the idea that someone could pose as you, do horrible things or be your best friend and you wouldn't even know they're a serial killer *shivers* and clones are no different.
What I love about Supernatural is they don't pussy-foot around they get to work! And nothing shows that better than the opening scene being them holding up a bank but....they looked so normal and average. I could have been easily fooled into thinking they were them. Dean was sweet talking the girl and she was falling and Sam was doing the leg work just flawless teamwork you'd expect from the boys except DUN DUN DUN they were NOT our boys D:
And this Leviathan Chet is hilarious. He's such a smartass but he's amusing, I'll tell ya that much.
And it's looking kinda bleak on what might be able to kill these things.
Now were back to square one, the law wants their asses bad. And you'd think 'Huh we better get disguises or stay low' not go to a convenience store *shakes head* at least they made a quick get away.
Then we see real FBI agents which felt so damn wrong I can't even tell you LOL then this line '...or the batmobile.' which I have a feeling Dean would be thrilled that someone reference his baby as the batmobile.
Then we get this, 'Well, well spider caught some flies -insert creepy laugh-' Wow that guy has to be the creepiest dude I've seen. At least he knows what he's doing and he's helping the boys.
'Who sent you?'
'Uh..Bobby Singer sent us.'
*Cocks gun louder* 'Or...or not you know!' LOL that was pretty funny.
And Dean ditching his car, that's like asking him to jump off a cliff! Then he's driving around in a car with a my little pony hanging from the rear view mirror! *snickers* And not to mention the tunes are from soft rock in the 60's and 70's LOL
Then Dean loses his mind and starts singing Air Supply, a ballad to Sam maybe? Who knows what Dean's thinking about right now!
I find it amusing how much Bobby is so awkward with women, I mean rightfully so losing his wife but he just doesn't know how to act when someone besides the boys show concern for him. Oh Bobby.....
And then those wonderful season 1 flashbacks and odes! I LOVE when the show relates things back to previous seasons. I find this all fascinating how these things slot together.
And those clone boys? Sorry this is wrong and I'm going to hell but those boys with those guns HNNNNNG
Just HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG all around. Jensen and Jared give me permanent boners I swear! Seeing them talk and interact made me giggle a little lol I couldn't help it they are essentially making fun of themselves and their character and I would have to think this would appeal to Jared because he loves playing the baddie (as he calls it) just like BUABS and the moose gets to use machine guns!
This is just all kinds of confusing. Just standing like 5 feet away from your clones then that Leviathan taking Bobby's form.....guh show loves to fuck with our minds. Then BOOM their arrested, and Leviathan!Dean winks! God he winks and nothing can send me to my knees faster than his wink!
Then OMG that Leviathan seems to be affected by cleaner? LOL That's just funny and ironic which I love how the shows does that.
Then Bobby kisses Sheriff Jody and my face was like this :D which may be perverted but I like seeing Bobby getting his groove on and experiencing some womanly contact I mean the poor guy needs it.
And poor boys being lunatics to the outside world *pets them* it's ok boys we know the truth and believe you.
'Sammy? Not Sammy'
Boys facing off against their brothers dark doubles! While Dean's is physical Sam's is more emotional just...the show knows how to effect the boys that's for sure. And fake Sammy decapitated and burned! Oh noes! That's too close to home.
And OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG the secret! The worst way possible for it to be revealed.
Sam and Dean Winchester are dead......again LOL I'll never tire of hearing that. It's like our fandom little secret.
Then Bobby, our awkward wooer LOL a decapitated Leviathan head how....romantic? Then Jody was blushing and it was so cute and I was just like....JUST KISS DAMNIT yet no show wants to kill us with more sexual tension.
Then that poor guy and his daughter. Another horrible factor of the Winchester curse and did you guys catch on that FBI guy was a Leviathan? Cause I certainly didn't that took me for a surprise. Just shows how far these guys reach and how their plans run.
And throughout this episode I swear I tingled when Dean kept calling Sam Sammy at every pass and turn. It just felt good....right....not now with the secret........
Was I the only one turned on by Leviathan!Dean and his little chat with Sam? Just can you be any more gay! Like OMG that screamed Wincest all over and I may be pregnant after this.
And OOOOH CROWLEY! And he got burned by a Leviathan like who has seen someone talk down to Crowley like that? These bitches mean business.
Why show must you break me into tears?!?!?! God NOOOOOOO the boys were supposed to be getting together and then the ending was like a horrible break up and god just all the tears.
Like NO Dean would not just say 'Sorry Sam' and let him walk away with all those Leviathans out there ready to kill his ass. Just no....sometimes I wonder what the writers think when writing these scenes. This sounded like a horrible romantic comedy and the main couple was breaking up. At least they could have gave Sam and Dean a more manly exit or parting and I swear this better be fixed soon! I can't stand anymore brotherly angst with them hating each other....I've sat through 3 seasons of it and I can't do that again.
And the funniest thing is J2 said at a con that the ending to this was so sappy that they re-wrote it and all I'm thinking is, 'Nice re-write guys way to make you looked ever gayer' LOL
At least the promo was hopeful. They were both together and actually talking but I know a lot is still under the surface and needs to be resolved hopefully soon and it won't take ALL season.
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