Mar 07, 2005 03:14
They stole my gum!
I left to go to college station with my mom to see downfall play around 7pm friday night, I left my car at her hotel that she is starying at for the time being becasue her home burnt down, this hotel just so happens to be on 45 and kykerndul (spelling), well i get back around 4pm on saturday and i look at my car and there is fucken green paint on the door from someone hitting it with their car door, i freeked out, and then i get inside the car and look at my passanger side floor and there was alot of paper and stuff on the floor, and i am like why the fuck did i throw all that shit on the floor, and then i look in my back seat and my seats were down so you could see into my trunk and i was like holy shit someone broke into my car!, well i look through my shit to see what they took, they took my gum, change and my touch up paint for my car, i have a cds, my fucken check book and a stareo that they could take out and they didnt take any of that, only my gum..:(...well i also had the room key to my mom's hotel room in my car, the took the key and went up into her room, they didnt take anything, she had a lap top sitting on the table and tye didnt touch it, they way we know taht they were in her room was becasue when we went up there the door was open, well who ever broke into my car was nice enough to put the room key back in my glovebox, but they left everything else on my floor, they also went into my trunk and pulled the linning by my light away from the light, dont really know why, they also left some scraches on the inside of my windows in the middle of them on both windows, i really dont know how they gont into my car becasue there is not sign of anything, and i know i locked it when i left becasue it honks and i honked it like 10 times before i left, i really dont know why the bothered to break into my car and only take some gum and change and touch up paint when they would have had some cds a stareo and everytihng in my mom's hotel, oh and she lives in her hotel by the way so everyting she owns is in there, oh well, my next envestment will be an alarm system....