Aug 25, 2005 19:17
so lets see...lifes pretty much been consumed with basketball...umm saturday jackie spent the night and pat was over with ha yah that was intresting..."I'm getting milk, bitches" lmaoo SEXTERESTRIAL..omggg hahh shayne is a loser :-) that was a fun night though...gotta love the movie ;-) "OMG ALYSSON THE LIGHT JUST TURNED ON OUTSIDE" shayne: "JACKIE ITS JUST A RABBIT!" jackie: "AT NIGHT!?" lmaoo ohh yah we went to bed then woke up and i made pancakes for everyone :-) cuz im fricken sweet like that....then we all made a family mall trip and then went to a few other places...BOSTON MARKET <3 umm then went to sunday basketball practice :-/
umm mondayy idk what i did..i had practice..maybe i did nothing for a day? no...well i think this all happened on this day :-x i went to erikas like around 6ish then we headed over to nathans...yess that was fun plasyed basketball and football and then nathan brought us out cookies ;-D they were amazing...then went back to her house and ate cookies that her sister made and then watched remember the titans <3 that movie is beyond amazing :-D then went home around 10ish i belive
tuesday i did nothing and then scimmaged and lanse cruise and then after went to red robins with the basketball team....omgg too funny! the salt and tiffanys money...and WHATTTT lmaoo omg :-) i love this team..its going to be an amazing year ;-)
wednesday i had orientation in the morning and got my classes and all that good stuff and then had basketball practice...then ERIKA came over :-D mwahah i love her...we went to dairy queen "do you wanna catch the ball?" "uhh if you want me to?" ahah ...then came home and watched liar liar and talked or w/e...shes a pretty sweet girl...she left around 10ish?
then today went to the school around 8ish for pictures and then stayed there till like 1 until practice was done...then came home and did basically nothing...which i enjoyed i must say :-)...but i was quote sad that i didn't get to go see the boys first football game...rawrrrr but they won 35-0 so yay ;-D
well im out...tty later :-)