Oct 03, 2004 20:58
bah! i have had a really busy weekend. friday and saturday, i had a yard sale (i made about $80--sepnt about $22 on Daddy's b-day present, and the i bought Drop Dead Fred, and i paid momma back. so, now i have about $30) oh, anyone that's never seen Drop Dead Fred needs to vome over to watch it, it so funny! yesterday, after i ate luch, i took a 3 hour nap. I was in bed and asleep by 10. i was so tired, i couldnt even read. ashley spent the night with me thursday night and helped me with the yard sale friday morning (we got up a 5:30, and set everything up). besides ashley, i dont thinki have talked to or seen any of my friends this weekend, i havent had the time. i got to see sissy today. we're trying to decide on where we can send momma and daddy for christmas. there's a natural spa in arkansas (or something like that) and we are trying to figure out how much it would cost to send them there for a long weekend. i mean, i went to germany, and they bought sissy a laptop....both of which were not cheap, so we could at least try to do something nice for them. hopefully, my necklaces and stuff will start selling so i can start saving for their christmas present. i also need to save up so i can get my friends presents. unless i just make then necklaces or something. which is better, something that is bought, or something that is made? i would go with made, but i dont know if everyone would like the necklaces. well, im going to go kay down and read some before i go to sleep.
Roni, i hope you are doing okay, and please do invest in a recorder. it will make life a bit easier. i love you! *hugs n kisses*
*hugs for all*