Jun 26, 2007 00:30
My day started out with me not being able to sleep in like I used to. I guess I'm just growing up. I just can't sleep in anymore.
I was on my laptop messing around most of the day. I ate two chocolate crepes for breakfast. They were pretty awesome. It is impossible to get the real french crepes, unless you went to France.
Daddy pitched a massive fit, because Mom told him that she was taking Mawmaw Frances to the ey doctor Wednesday. He got angry because he had something planned for that day, which he hadn't told any of us about it, so how was Mom supposed to know it was a bad idea to help her own mother. He wouldn't tell us what he had planned, but complained about it for a while, even using ya'll, like I had anything to do with it. He then just went to bed. He didn't have to work that night, granted he did work the night before, but he doesn't normally do that.
Mom said we were going to Walmart today, but we both didn't feel like going.
Tyler called around five asking if I wanted to come to his house and help him babysit Andrew and Summer for Ginger. I all ready had a headache but I knew that I would of felt bad if I didn't go, so I got ready and went. Andrew physically tried to make me go away. He tried to shut my car door on me. He spent most of the night not liking me or any female for that matter. He told me that I was ugly. But he dif finally decide to be nice to me again. He told Tyler that I could kiss him when he got older and if I wanted to I could do it now. I didn't. I was going to when he left, but that didn't happen.
The Secret of NIMH was on and I tried very hard to watch all of it. It is hard with a five year old there and then Summer and Marley in there. Andrew wanted to play playstation, but then he had to leave, so I got to see most of it. I didn't make it home 'til 11:40. Mom told me that I could stay out as late as I wanted, but I got done at Tyler's and came home because I have to get up tomorrow and go with get my car worked on and go to Walmart.