imm backkkk

Mar 24, 2005 16:42

Hey so I havent updated in a really really really so very long time. But gets busy...or not really busy in my case..but...yeah. lol. I just didnt feel like writing about anything I guess. Um...School sucks as usual. I have a 73 in Biology right now and thast without another failing test grade. Math is a 77 and everything else is okay...I think. Started Driver's Ed. today and it soo totally sucks. Theres 6 people in the class. 3 sophomores (including me). and 3 freshmen. I met this guy Kyle in there, hes really nice. He seems cool. I walked into the room and since I was absent i was just like standin there and he was standin there too and we started talkin like "so we will just stand here stupidily till he comes" and then Kyle is like "whats your name?" Me-"Cheri". him-"Kyle" Me-"Nice to meet you" lol so then we went and sat down cuz teacher guy came in and then we are in the room on V hall I forget teachers name but he has all the candy n food that u canbuy or w/e n kyle gives me 50 cents n i waslike um whats this for or w/e then i was like its not mine n i gave it to taylor and then Kyle had a dunken stick (i used 2 love those when i was little) n he tried to get me to take half of it but nopeeee those are fattening so I declined. lol. haha neways but Drivers ed is soo borrringgg. I thought i was gonna fall plumb asleep. and you cant be absent in there or u wont pass. Oopsss i was absent. He says i will have to make it up. oh well. neways in finley we had a sub so i slept and wrote kristina a note and then finley came back n so i culdnt sleep anymore. then i came home and got in my car...for those of u who dont know...I GOT A CAR!! haha i was so very excited. that was a very happy happy day for me. Its a 2001 Honda Civic 4 door with like 46,000 miles sothats good. It drives sooo great. I love it. We got it up in Lilburn GA at Atlanta Used cars, me and my mom and then I had to drive back on the interstate for 50 minutes all by my lil ole self n iwas scared. lol but i made it back in one piece. anyways...and then I drove up to yerins n matts and talked to matt first for a lil while, hes a good friend me n him gettin closer i guess, and then went to yerins and showed her my car, she goes "I thought you got a used car! its new!" and i go "no its not" lol. funny she cracks me up. anyways so that was my day. Was absent tuesday n wednesday cuz i was sick n i still feel like crud but yah know. today feels like monday but tomorrow is friday. hmm...this weekend im not doin much, hopefully i can go see a movie or sumpn with kristina or someone. idk. I have to go shopping to get some more long sleeved shirts cuz I'm off to New york next Friday and its gonna be flippin freeeezing up there and i have no long sleeved shirts. So i get to go buy all these clothes that im only gonna be wearin for 5 days. lol. but oh my goodness...the NY trip is gonna be CRAZY. our Itenerary is soo freakin crazy. we are going places NON STOP. we dont have one minute to rest. im gonna be so flippin tired. ahhh. oh well. at least im gettin away from the homestead. thats all that matters. even if i amridin on the bus by my lil ole self n roomin with not so close friends. lol. oh well. why does it matte.r im used 2 bein aloneeeeee. welp this is pretttttyyy long isnt it? I think i will go for now. have a great day everyone.
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