Cold and Tired

Dec 14, 2004 17:53

Hey. Well...I figured I'd update b4 I got started on all the "studying" for exams...If I can even get myself to study. I'm not so worried about all of them now...because some of my grades have come if I fail them (which I most likely will), it wont bring my grade down to a C, and if it does, it will be a High C. My science grade was an 81 and I failed a test so i was sure it wuld go to a C b4 the exam. BUt instead, somehow my grade went 2 an 83. Soo If i fail it, Which i think i will,I think it wil be like an 80 or High C. and World average went to 82. So I'm still in trouble for that one...but not as bad. But I'm reallly worried  about Math. My average is a 76. So if I fail the exam, I'll have a D or F. =*( *sigh* I am going to be dead. My last benchmark thing I took in Math...I got 68 on it. Soo its not lookin to bright for me. lol. I'm not a good studier. My parents are going to kill me. Oh well. I'm not worried about LA because my average is an 85. So thats good. It is sooo cold!! Brrr. I had two jackets on and I was still cold. Brrr....Anyways...I had my chorus concert last night. It was okay I guess. NOt that many people came tho!! what a waste. We sang from 4-7:30. My feet hurt so bad from standing up for 3 1/2 hours. lol but it was good. ALl that hard work for a longg time learnin that music, for one performance where not that many people came too. lol. Oh well, gives us somethin to do. Mr. Bunn wasnt here today so i had a very boring Chorus period. We all just sat there nt alked n half the people left the class and went elsewhere...we had a good sub i suppose. lol. Mrs.Nipper came in and played the piano and sang and played some other instrument. I dont know what its called. Then Onto the rest of the day. Oh and I'm worried about Spanish exam. I stink at spanish. lol. oh well. I culd get my brother to help me...but...I dont feel like it. lol. Well I'm gonna go ahead n go now. See yah later yall...3 more days.

<3 yah,

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