(no subject)

Jan 20, 2007 22:07

1. If your life was a little glass ball, who would you trust enough to give it to?
omg, I don't know. I doubt I'd trust myself with it ><. My mom, she'd try to be careful. Jo or Bryan... but they are both crazy artists they might throw my little glass ball against the wall in a fit of rage, but I know they'd feel incredibly guilty about it, so I trust them as well.

2. Do you think our futures are already planned out for us?
To some extent I suppose

3. Do adults really understand teenagers?
They can

4. How often do you feel like you just need OUT?
>< not very

5. What would you do if you found out someone very close to you (for example, boy/girlfriend you've been dating for years) told you they were a member of the KKK?
I'd try not to make an issue of it, but we'd eventually break up.

6. Does the music you listen to effect decisions you make in your every day life?
not really

7. In the end, will we all be forgiven?
I'd like to believe so

8. Do you understand why some people want to commit suicide?
Well, understanding why people want to and understanding why people do it are two different things.

9. Have you ever been to a big protest?
No, I want to start one though

10. Do you believe the news you see on tv is uncensored and unbiased?

11. Truthfully, do you want to make a difference when you grow up?
I suppose Id like to revolutionize the fahsion world, haha, but I think we all make some sort of difference, it just depends on how large or small it may be.

12. Are we really free in America?
Sure, we have the freedom to make choices and accept punishments

13. Are you/have you ever been clinically depressed?

14. Do you have any mental disorders, etc?
I hope not

15. Is it noble of a person to actually forgive everyone, even people like Saddam Hussein?
It depends, I like to believe so, but *shrugs*

16. Is it fair for a president to draft soldiers to the army?
If it's necessary, as long as it is done fairly.

17. Are we a lost generation?

18. Is it bad to call someone retarded?
haha yeah, but I do have a bad habbit of doing so

19. Would you consider AIDS the worst disease on earth?

20. Does God owe us an explanation?
No, I honestly don't think we are owed anything

21. What the heck are we fighting for?
I wish I knew

22. Is money the root of all evil?
23. Is everyone a good person at heart?

24. If a young woman was raped and got pregnant, and then decided to get an abortion, would you still consider her a "baby killer"?
I wouldn't refer to anybody who got an abortion as a baby killer. Whether or not you believe since she was raped she has an excuse bottom line it's not my business.

25. Do you want to be alive when the antichrist comes, just to experience it?
I honestly have no feelings on that

26. Are you a good person at heart?
haha, I'd like to think so, but Jo might disagree

27. Is it really wrong for teachers to hug their students?

28. Would you mind being president?
Hee, oh yeah I wouldn't want to deal with all that work

29. Do you find it weird, that you never know what your future will bring, and you might really end up president, or the first lady?
Yeah it's odd, but I feel that is why we must seize every opportunity we have.

30. Are "followers" really that bad, considering you can’t have a leader without them?
I don't consdier a follower bad, as long as their is an equal balance, dont be a lemming.

31. Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?

32. If you answered yes to #31, did you enjoy it?

33. If you answered no to #31, why not?
I havn't rented it, and I didn't feel like paying to see it in theaters

34. Have you ever told someone 'Go to hell' and really meant it?

35. Do you give homeless people spare change, even though you know they'll just buy booze or drugs?
I don't tend to give homeless people change, I'd prefer to give them food. I am rather mean about the whole homeless thing, if they can hold a sign on the street they can hold signs anouncing new houses opening our economy isn't that shitty right now.

36. When someone does something you know is wrong, like make a racist or sexist comment, what do you do?
It depends on the severity of it, I might glare, or if it's truly offensive I have been known to be quite vocal in my opinions. >< nobody has ever proclaimed that i am soft spoken.

37. Are you embarrassed by your family's background?
38. Even if you don't believe Jesus was our savior, do you still think that he was very noble?
*nods* I suppose

39. Is God really watching over us?
I'd like to think so.

40. What do you picture heaven to be like?
omg Shoes, and a lack of animal print
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