May 27, 2006 13:36
Chivalry is dead, but you're still kinda cute.
yeah, YOU. And YOU.
I've decided that the only men I really need in life are two deliciously sweet men named Ben and Jerry. These are saliva inducing, wonderfully true individuals who will stop at nothing to comply with my every needs. Like the flannel pajamas, they do not care that your waist has grown a few inches. No! Instead they keep feeding my insecurities with the love and tenderness I deserve in my time of utter desperation.
Never will they say, "I'm sorry" and walk off like they've done you a huge favor by leaving you to your self-made misery. Nor will they ever give an ambiguous "Let's just go with the flow." The only flow I will ever have is the one in my uterus every end of the month, thank you very much. And even in THAT time of need, Ben and Jerry will appease my hunger, my rage, my tirades.
So, I say, my lovelie: eff them all except Ben and Jerry, not only because that can get a tad bit sticky, but because they will never leave you. Like that safe feeling you have in the back of your mind, tucked away for rainy days, Ben and Jerry will give their all for your mind, body, and soul. They are all one needs in turbulent trends in life.
Oh, and Aunt Jemima, too.
Because I'm kinky like that.