(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 01:29

taking a much needed hiatus from studying for finals week. soo...

-LJ = money makin'love machine? i submitted some choice entries from LJ in Mt. SAC's Writers' Day Contest on friday. third place is $185, yo! thats like half the cost of books for one semester, ie. slight salvation from college debt. aforementioned entries include "imagined stalker at shower," "online anticipation," and "aerosmith's dream on." i dont expect to get anything, but it can't hurt to try, right? btw, the name i've given this compilation is "musical thighs and the bitter shuffle." i don't believe works of brilliance ought to be named in such trivial fashion (genius should stand out and be...outstanding!) but whatevs.

-transfering is in process. it'll be bittersweet to leave, but it's much needed. for the fouth part of the personal statement for UCLA (the "unjudged" portion in the very end) i wrote: this is my third time applying to UCLA, and while there is something to be said about consistency, i sincerely hope that the third time's the charm. in case my scholastic endeavors don't wow those elitest bastards, im sure pity has some level of effect on the reject in all of us.

-christmas is...well, there are no appropos words in the english language to describe my ambivalence towards the holidays. on one hand, i love LOVE the shopping. on another, i sorta kinda really hate everything else. maybe hate is too strong a word. you see my obvious debacle.

-still no luck in the luuurve dept. but all those messages with sexual innuendos on myspace are oddly welcoming. for those who dont know, i have myspace. yes, it is a bane on society and a vortex of incomparable evil, but i have been seduced to the dark side. my pictures are slutty (they're from the groove57 team "photoshoot" a couple of months ago), but they're strangely liberating. i can't explain it--i seem to be at a loss of words of late. its like, im extremely embarrassed by the weirdos who message me, but at the same time the attention whore in me screams orgasmic delight. ie. a self named man by the moniker "peanut" called me a dime. now, i am fairly "hip" to young people lingo, but "dime?" what the fuck? i had to ask someone what it meant because i wasnt sure if i should be insulted or not.

i would say i hope everyone had a great year, but i know better. afterall, we're all sorts of emo these days, aren't we? regardless, in case i dont see you normally, or in some people cases, EVER, i hope you have a great year. see how i just basically said, happy holidays and a happy new year? yes. brilliance.

(anyway. dime? wouldnt a dollar make more sense fiscally? as in, "yo, shorty, you's a dolla/washington/the basic monetary unit in many countries and a symbol of commercialism or greed. holla at me, biznatch!" you know. DOLLAR. as in 100 perCENT?)
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