okay guys... this is it

Jul 14, 2010 11:27

it took me a BIT too long to realize this...

But this LJ has DIED. T^T

I know, so sad. Probably because I've completely fallen out of fandom to the point that I just can't find anything to blog about anymore.

I've tried to come back several times, I swear I have, but it's just not been working. And so, I'm going to kill this off for good. Well, not KILL OFF, but I'm gonna leave. For how long? I don't know. Maybe... SOME DAY randomly, I'll decide to come back. But as of right now, I'm just not motivated or interested enough to keep on blogging.

So I'm gonna put my PERSONAL email out there. I'd LOVE LOVE LOVEEE to keep in contact with you all. So PLEASEEEE talk to me if you ever want to. There are SEVERAL ways to reach me:

Facebook: CJ Ji
ooVoo: cherri_oro
Skype: totalbookworm369@gmail.com
AIM: Lilyflower258
MSN: totalbookworm369@gmail.com
Gmail: totalbookworm369@gmail.com
YM: cissy_ji@yahoo.com

And... I think that's it. So, IF you wanna talk to me, PLEASE DO.
I still really wanna be friend with everyone here, it's just... I just haven't been on LJ for such a long time. T^T

Okay then, that's it for now guys.
Bye~ <3
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