so... effing...tired...

Jun 16, 2010 22:49


-__- the past two days... have been like:


Yeah.. Lemme see if I can sum this up:

9:30AM - Leave the house 
10:30PM - Come back.

TIme inbetween: College visiting + shopping

So yesterday, we went to Berkeley and today we went to Stanford. We got private tours for both the schools and we'll be leaving for LA tomorrow at around 3PM. BELINDA <333 I'M COMING TO LAAA~~~~ <33333

So far, Stanford >>>>>>> Berkeley. I'm sorry, for those of you who like Berkeley. >< I think it's just because I'm biased towards the arts, rather than the sciences and maths and whatnots. So yeah. And Stanford's CAMPUS. ZOMG LOVE~ So dah prettayyy~ LOL Yeah.

Tomorrow... we're sorta-kinda taking a day off of our rigorous schedule to pack and get to LA safely. LOLZ

OHYEAH. and did I mention we crashed our car today? It was kind of ridiculous actually. So I took all the bags of shopping and came upstairs, but I forgot to close the door. My mom, her friend, and her friend's son were all there, and no one thought to close the door before my mom ATTEMPTED to drive the car into the garage. The result: the door that was left open is now... well... permanently open. -__- Yeah. Fail. I know.

My dad: PISSED. It's scary when he's pissed. He's the kind of sarcastic, quiet pissed, which is really scary and makes you feel horrible. Because he doesn't really yell at anyone. In fact, he doesn't yell at all. -__- He just sort of sits there and broods. And it makes you feel INCREDIBLY guilty because you feel like you deserve to be yelled at or something. But he never yells. Ever. T^T

I'M SORRY DADDY. I KNOW YOU LOVED THAT CAR DEARLY. a;sdg ha;eoitj; ladksfj a;sdf
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