I think I'm growing up.
Or maybe I figured out that I'm just never going to get there. That seems like the way some people grow up.
It was somewhere between the industrial and the pop punk. Maybe the nu-metal was still on. It's hard to say when an epiphany hits. When your perception of life changes. My paradigm? I flipped the bitch.
I think it might've been when Chris said, "I've been kind of wanting to get back into the ska lifestyle."
I feel like my life has a direction. Yeah, I'm working at Burger King, I'm missing a semester in college, I'm not sure what I want to do with my life outside of pipe dreams, but what's important?
Maybe it was the conversation about genre restrictions and old friends.
Last night Rob came over and we stayed up all night with a bottle of vodka. Between guys who've known eachother for seven (plus?) years it's a serious exhibition in rebonding.
It might just be all this Ellegarden.
I have great friends. I have great local friends and I have great friends around the country. I have great friends in Boston and LA and Seattle and Detroit and Port Huron. I have a band with great kids in it and we sound awesome. I get to jam with two of my best friends.
Pizza Men, consequently.
At least once a week for 3-5 hours I'm in heaven with those guys. Almost every night I have some lovely soul who stays up, dealing with my stupid sleeping schedules and bouts of insomnia with me.
I realize it's a punk song, and that means that by default I'm reading too much into it, but I need to stop practicing fractions and I need to just eat my damn pizza.
I had this problem because I've developed this live fast, die young lifestyle. It bugged me because it was a rut I couldn't get out of and I knew it'd be bad for me in the long run.
Am I in the wrong condo?
The epiphany is that I have indeed checked it three times or more. I'm in the right place.
I've already lived a pretty full life. There's a lot more I want to do, of course, but I can't say that I have any regrets. I've had a good time and I'm in a good place.
I'm going to keep eating this pizza and I'm not going to have any hang-ups about it anymore.
Maybe Daniel's starving, but I'm going to die full.
-Last Emotion Out
For bonus points:
Broiler Run
I'm honking my horn
It means, "Move."
I'm late to work every day
If you punk in before four
It's not efficient
It's important to remember that
I'm not lazy
I don't do overtime
If you need a pan of meat
Then just say so already
I'll send it for you
I'm already back at the broiler
I'm honking my horn
It means, "Move, fuckers."
If my guitar has six strings,
and I have four bandmates,
You need twelve burgers,
and I'm just one man
Then what am I waiting for?
We're always at the broiler
So as long as we chill here
We should have some fun
But I'm clocking out as soon as I can
I'm honking my horn
On my way home