Russia's Baptism Day

Sep 10, 2014 23:26

On July 28, people are celebrating the 1026th anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus when Vladimir the Great converted the country to Christianity. On this day, large-scale celebrations are being held in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Today I have a report from Zagorodny park in Samara, Russia. The celebration took place around the city and usually take a form of concert, where different artists shows their talents from traditional Russian dances, songs to modern songs and specific poetry.

The Russian Orthodoxy has come across the years of zenith and the periods of oblivion. After the October Revolution of 1917, Christianity, as well as other religions, was secretly professed. Another blow was dealt on the Orthodoxy in the late 1990s when the former Soviet republics after the collapse of the Soviet Union tried to achieve independence, including religious independence. The dissident religious sentiment still exists in Ukraine. At present, there are three Orthodox Churches in the country but only the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow patriarchate is the only canonized Church. [from here]

Amazing performance by Roman Mnatsakanov, Arseny Marushev and Pavel Kuprianov.

Check out their latest work:
And here:

image Click to view

Then the show of tradition cloths from Rus' times.

"Citizens" and army thousand years ago.

Historic club of Rus' history, expecially for 8-14 centuries participate in events like showing tradition cloths, demonstration of the battles or even imitate a battle, for education reasons of cause. :)

Only rich princes could have chain armor or bearskin. Shoes are made from skin of killed animals.

(in this case no animals were harmed)

Here we go!

Impressive for historians, I can't even imagine how did our ancestors faught.

(In case you can't read Russian, two modern soldiers on back-wall are to show that there's sport shooting place, a popular attraction in parks for wining some soft toys)

All right, that's most of it, hope you've enjoyed it and would know a little more about Rus babtism day.

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russia, samara, report, россия, tradition, праздник, самара, репортаж, english, culture, religion

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