Jan 08, 2009 02:16
WAAAAAH!!! It's been over a year since I updated my journal!!! XD How I fail at life!!!
No really, I always forget about these journal type sites. I used to have another blog over... at... uh.... some other site, haha, and I updated maybe... once every two months? I'm good at the beginning, but then it's just like, oh, yeah, whatever.
Um... So... Stuff that's happened since last year--
Turned 21 and had a drunken pokemon party (it was AMAZING)
Quit my job at Culvers
Spent darn near $300 making a movie
Said movie was delayed in the making due to a car crash involving the two leads, an extra, and a semi
Dad went to the hospital from an infection in his... stomach area.
Dad came home and promptly went right back the next day after falling off a ladder (which he shouldn't have been on in the first place)
Friends gave me a Cirque du Soleil box set for Christmas
And I almost have a new job. I'll (most probably) be working at the new PetSmart that's going up in town. I may get to train to be a groomer. Which pleases me.
So yeah. I think that's all the big stuff. And I'm tired, so I'm gonna head to bed.