• Mental Health Support Meme •

Oct 25, 2019 01:13

I created this Meme in hopes of LJ friends coming together, to show support/encourage/help those who can relate to others who suffer or know of someone who suffers from any form of mental health disorders.

About MeRead more... )

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Howdy! cherishes October 25 2019, 08:35:29 UTC
I created this Meme in hopes of LJ friends coming together, to show support/encourage/help those who can relate to others who suffer or know of someone who suffers from any form of mental health disorders.

About Me

Name: Kristy
Age: 46.5
Location: Nevada

Mental Health Questionnaire

What is your diagnosis & how do you currently feel about your diagnosis?: Mainly PTSD, Major Depression, Anxiety & Survivor Guilt.
Are you receiving outside help/support, for your diagnosis?: I am. It's been VERY beneficial since being diagnosed with PTSD 11 years ago. I struggle with this the most.
Are you interested in having e-friends to support you? How will this encourage you?: I'd like any e-friends who are non-judgmental & can do their best to support me, no matter how dark my days are.
Has your mental illness{es} defined who you are?: I'd say of the 4 I listed, PTSD has changed whom I once was but I'm now taking charge of moving forward & knowing there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
How do you feel about supporting others who live with mental health disorders?: I'm very much interested in helping those as I currently post a Daily Affirmation to encourage those who may find it useful/helpful.
Overall, how would you rate your mental health?: About a 5. But I take everyday, one day at a time. "This too, shall pass."
Do you have any hobbies/interests that help you with your mental health diagnosis?: Photography, dancing, my cats & reading.
Do you have an Emotional Support Animal?: Not currently but I'm looking into possibly certifying my one cat as he shows so much support for me, its incredible!


How active are you on LJ?: Trying my best to make a return but about 3 times a week aside from my Daily Affirmations.
What type{s} of LJ friends are you interested in?: I like interactions. Those who have similar interests & a plus if they like cats!
Various interests, in general?: Dancing, 70s/80s rock music, old skool cartoons, exercising, bike riding, The Golden Girls series, to name a few.
What are some topics you enjoy posting about?: Pictures of cats, some insight into my life & when I've accomplished a milestone or goal.
Friending Policy: I'm pretty open to anyone who has empathy, a conscious, is their OWN person & breathing.
Anything Else: My profile has information about myself & I hope to meet some new friends.



RE: Howdy! 4kudzu October 25 2019, 22:38:26 UTC


RE: Howdy! cherishes October 27 2019, 09:28:44 UTC


Re: Howdy! itspearlyslife October 27 2019, 19:48:56 UTC
Hi. Would like to add you, if I could?


Re: Howdy! cherishes October 27 2019, 21:47:39 UTC
Hi. Thank you for the add & I've added you back.


RE: Howdy! marchioness October 28 2019, 04:32:27 UTC
I like cats and daily affirmations. Friends?


Re: Howdy! cherishes October 28 2019, 05:57:25 UTC

Feel free to add me & I'll add you back.



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