Everything about this day is not adding to my general mood

Apr 26, 2011 18:10

Everything is so grey and listless. The rain is not helping, and I like rain. But it's making me lathargic and a tad antsy.

Reading this article stings a bit.
My Fiorentina related icons are going to get a makeover come next season. Bleh, I agree with one of the commentators who say on paper, we probably won't miss some of them . . . but my sentimental side is making me want to write Shakespearean-esque tragic ballads on the half that I like. Admittedly, I don't think most of them will leave, unfortunately it's the half I feel very lukewarm about. Santanaaaaa, Vargaaaaas, our keepeeerrs~ (seriously though . . .)

Monty does not look good on vertical stripes/end of shallow moment. DNW him at Juve, so I'm pretty much 50-50 on which Milan I like to see him in. AC Milan I would prefer if he stays in violet tho . . . much preferable . . . (I'm making myself sad and the next few weeks I'm going to be insufferable. Balancing between the precipice of whiny and annoyng. Until a few weeks into the next few season when I will get over it . . . I hope. I'll just feel really guilty reblogging his pictures. plz dun leave . . . ;-; I'll stop now) I swear it's going to be another instance of a former viola player flourishing at another club and winning things. IDK what I'm sayng anymore. SADNESS. (I'm whinging again about something that has not even happen~)

Upside: I'm terribly excited with the Primavera side and their (hopeful) inclusion with the squad. Also Jojo and Adem more significant roles. Not sure if Miha is the right man though . . .

I'm slowly watching every episode of Mushishi. It;s a gorgeous anime with amazing storytelling. The tone of the show is really understated, however, that just adds to the charm.

Out of sheer borem I'm reading articles on inducing crying.

I'm listening to the chorus cover of the song "from Y to Y" on loop right now.


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