Now I'm feeling twitchy because of that new post on
A person's gender is the one that they identify with, not the one someone else gives to them using whatever arbitrary rules about gender they have. That thread where people are discussing on whether or not that Fantasist Susanne Ibru is a man is fucking disgusting. Ever time I see the phrase "She looks like a man" I see red. Because there's been consequences for trans women who didn't pass and this type of casual transphobia is adding to the culture where trans people feel unsafe.
Once again we have people being completely thoughtless. Trans people worry all the time on wether or not they pass and these types of conversations where people's cisprivilege pop up are not helping at all. Also, trannie/tranny is not a word cispeople should be using at all.
Judge her for her actions: misgendering her is rude and fucking offensive.