Sure I could talk about my ideal Hetalia dub being a multilingual one (cause that would be awesome yet nigh improbable) but I won't. Not really. Yay, dub?
Yes, Christoph Waltz is an attractive man.
Anyhow, what I really want to say is that I am angry. At myself. FUCK ME I forgot to buy
lucky bags. *epic sadface*
LOOK HOW GQ THEY LOOK! and I missed them! Oh well, this means I still have the ribbons I've saved up. But still, bugger me.
Click to view
Squee. Can't wait for the DVD and the full version of this.
Helpful links:
Cleolinda's Haiti info roundup. Real life: My OCAD interview is on February 28. Will be busy until then, like, [insert something noted for it's absence] absent. Also,
David Mitchell is too adorable.