1. Was 2010 a good year for you?
No, not really. Although, there were one or two exceptions to that (see below).
2. What was your favourite moment of the year?
I don't really have a specific moment but I'd say watching BBC's Sherlock for the first time and falling in love with it, also getting to reconnect on LJ with some of my former fellow gateworlders.
3. What was your least favourite moment of the year?
I'd say when I realised that I wasn't going to get out of my current job that I hate. I had really hoped to have left it behind in 2010.
4. Your main fandom of the year?
Sherlock, with Merlin a close 2nd.
5. Your favourite film?
Now that's hard. I don't think I have one. There were many that I loved but no one movie stands out.
6. Your favourite song to listen to in 2010?
For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert.
7. Your Favourite TV Shows of 2010?
Sherlock, Fringe, Merlin, Downton Abbey.
8. Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Gwaine and Sherlock (yes I have 2!).
9. Your TV girlfriend?
Kahlan from Legend of the Seeker cause she's beautiful and can kick-ass.
10. Your favourite LJ Community of 2010?
sherlockbbc and
11. Your best new fandom discovery of 2010?
See Above.
12. You biggest squee moment of 2010?
Ooooh all of "The Coming Of Arthur Part 2", finding out that they'll be a 2nd Series of Sherlock and also reading all the wonderful reports of people who've met The Cumberbatch!
13. Your biggest fandom disappointment of 2010?
I guess I'd mention Merlin here. It's not really a disappointment with the fans but rather a bit of a disappointment with the show. I mean, there was plenty that I loved about Season 3 but there some disappointments too - the handling of Morgana going completely evil and the lack of a Magic reveal (yet again!) are two examples.
14. The fandom you missed the most?
SGA and now Legend Of The Seeker.
15. Your biggest fandom-related anticipations for 2011?
- Going to see Benedict Cumberbatch in Frankenstein!
- Sherlock Series 2!
- Pics and Reports from filming of Merlin Series 4!
- The release of films such as Sherlock Holmes 2, Breaking Dawn Pt. 1, The final Harry Potter movie etc...
Phew done!
P.S. I've changed the colour scheme of my layout to match the lovely new header that
sangate made for me.
P.P.S. I have no idea why the writing on the first half of this entry appears to be a slightly different size to the writing on the 2nd half - bloody LJ has been driving me nuts!