(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 11:46

Know what I think is a shame? That political correctness has stripped us of our identity, women especially. It used to be, if we went out, a woman without a wedding ring was called Miss. A woman with a ring was Mrs. Just to be safe, women over 30 were called Mrs., just in case they'd forgotten their ring. A woman who was known to be divorced was generally Ms. or Mrs. Maiden Name. All women over 30-35, or younger ones with a wedding ring were often Ma'am, if you didn't know their last name or had just been introduced.
Personally, after 20, I was never a fan of "miss," so when given the option I would request Ms. However, now, I am VERY proud to be married, and love to be called Mrs. In the nearly 3 years I've been married, I can count on one hand the number of times that's happened (aside from in print). To me, that's sad. I don't want to be called Ms. anymore. When I didn't have my ring, I could understand it, but now, please call me Mrs. As much as I used to loathe the idea of being called Ma'am, now that I am closer to 30 than to 20, I would, once again, choose that over Ms. or ESPECIALLY Miss. No one uses Ma'am anymore, for fear of getting a purse upside the back of their heads.
I think it's sad that people are SO terrified to call someone by an "adult" title like Mrs. or Ma'am that they err back to a childhood title (miss) or a liberation title like Ms. Guys have it easy. After 13, they are given the title of Mr., and can be called Sir. Two words. Now, no one in their right mind would call a 30 yr old man without a wedding ring "Master" (the correct title for a pre-pubescent male), but it's safer to call me Miss or Ms because I might chop your head off? *sigh*
In our new hometown, I freqently get asked about my BOYFRIEND, even if I am wearing a wedding ring. Why? Because a lot of people my age in that area are living together unmarried (which is fine), but would throw an absolute fit if you called them husband or wife. This world is SO mixed up. *sigh*
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