Aug 13, 2009 09:54
My hubby has been gone for about 3 weeks and he is currently on the bus home as I type this!! I am beyond excited, it's been a really hard three weeks. I just moved to Lejeune in June and he left middle/end of July. Talk about not knowing anyone.My emotions are CRRAZZY right now, and my stomach is in knots. I feel a lot like I did back in highscool. (Yeah we we're friends and I had a horrible crush on him). I get butterflies just looking at him, and giggly. It's bad, LOL. I'm also relieved, I have been with two little boys alone for three weeks and all I want is to sleep later than 7 for one morning. I have had the worst week, from a 6 hour hospital visit, and a 4 hour doctor visit, a horrible drug reaction. It's just been a bad week, and then (not that I blame him) but my husband wants nothing more than my undivided attention and to talk constantly. I love this man, but he is a Chatty kathy lilke you wouldn't believe. I am not, I am the polar opposite, I HATE talkin on the phone, it annoys me. But I try and compromise for my man, because I know he misses me just as much as I miss him. It'll be SO amazing to have him home, safe and sound, and feeding him. ( I like to feed him) We have a tendency not to eat when we're away from eachother- I've lost 5 ish pounds and am down to 105 in two weeks. So now we can EAT! Together. lol.
I am excited, off I go to make sure everything's PERFECT. Yay for my husband being home. Oh and Sex ;)