Apr 05, 2005 00:43
Yeah so i haven't posted for a while so i thought i would write something. So this weekend was pretty boring, i met my cive group because we had a report due today. Sunday was exciting because it was general conference so i got to wake up at 1:45(stupid time change) and listen to church online instead of going and talking to weird people from the ward here. Today was interesting i went to classes although i can't remember what we did now and then abbie got a bagger. She is so outgoing and funny and a lot like abbie and much better than the last bagger abbie had. so she decided she was going to come here which was exciting and right now she is still out at some swimming party thing for basketball. yeah so tommorow i get to go to calc recitation with nick who will maybe do like 2 problems to keep up with his normal pace. I really hate nick. So i don't know if i wrote about this or not but basically he was proctoring our last test and what does he do? O he comes up to me before the test and makes me move because apparently he thinks i'm cheating!!! Well i definetly am not cheating(would i be sitting in the first row if i was cheating?) Yeah but I got to throw it in his face on thursday because we got our tests back and what did I get? o i got a 100. So guess what nick- I'm not cheating!!!!!!!!!! Yeah so hopefully thats out of my system and the nice test grade doesn't hurt that cause either. Also i don;t know if anyone in their dorms have experienced this but who feels the need tolike hammer the floor at 2 in the morning? because last night someone above my room did and i know its a person because when michelle (my roomate) pounded on the ceiling and screamed it stopped which was actually very funny.