This is the lot where my house growing up was. It's hard to tell what's what unless you lived there, but where I'm standing was the front left corner of the property which has about 3 evergreen trees toward the edge. About 99% of the original 'landscaping' (yard) is gone; all the trees except one evergreen tree in the very front (and that is looking sad, so I bet it's going to come down later on). The Italian plum tree, the large lilac bush, the large maple, the dogwood, the wisteria along the fence.... The tall hedges have been left for privacy and they filled the original opening with the same type and now have the opening at the L corner.
The foundations for the 2 new houses are laid in their places, and have been for almost a year. The driveway two these spots is very tight without any guest parking. I had pulled up to the first cleared area for the driveway of the first house to get my PT Cruiser nose out and it was a very tight 3 point turn around.
Only one of the neighbor's we were friendly with is still in one of the houses you can see in the background, but pretty sure the folks haven't contacted them.
I've long since mourned the passing of the 'old house', I kinda wanted to see what ugly 'McMansion's they had put up and it kinda makes me smile that the housing market has prevented the building of them yet.